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Biosan is certified as meeting the requirements ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 13485:2016

3'-Azido-3'-Deoxythymidine 5'-Triphosphate (AZT-TP)
Features: ideal for inhibition of reverse transcription in vitro and for the investigation of polymerase-substrate interactions

AZT is a widely used antiviral agent. AZT penetrates the cell membrane and is converted into AZT
triphosphate which inhibits the reaction of reverse transcription. AZT triphosphate can be used for
inhibition of reverse transcription in vitro and for the investigation of polymerase-substrate interactions.
Purity more then 96% (ion-exchange chromatography, TLC, NMR, UV-spectroscopy).
Quality control: HPLC >96%, inhibition of DNA-polymerase activity.
Concentration: 100 mM, water solution.
Storage -20°C.