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Hot Start Taq DNA polymerase
Features: The PCR products obtained with Hot Start Taq polymerase are free from unspecific products and from primer-dimers.
Hot Start Taq DNA Polymerase is the optimized mixture of Taq Polymerase and Anti-Taq monoclonal antibodies. Antibodies block polymerase activity during set-up of the PCR reactions at ambient temperature (20-22 °C). The inhibition of Taq DNA polymerase is completely reversed when the temperature is above 70 °C. The PCR products obtained with Hot Start Taq DNA Polymerase are free from unspecific products and from primer-dimers.
- reliable and reproducable quantification in qPCR
- perfect for real time PCR
- especially for diagnostic purposes
- reaction set-up at room temperature
- activation of enzyme during first heating
- no change or optimization of protocol necessary
- high specifity, reduced primer mismatch or dimers
- Hot start PCR
- Real time PCR
- Amplification of complex genomic and cDNA templates
- Multiplex PCR
- High specifity PCR